Ep 84: How Effective Leadership Skills Build Successful Brands, With Simone Milasas

Raj Girn: With this week’s focus, we’re getting ready to close off February with the leadership- and advocacy-themed episode. I am super pleased to welcome you to the show. Simone Milasas, is a self-made millionaire, renowned speaker, serial bestselling author and the host of the Choice and Change Action podcast. Simone will be chatting with […]
Branding & Marketing: Why doing this one thing can change how people see your worth . . .

“Seek validation from your consumer and you’ll automatically build brand authority.” ~Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy Hi Friend, I want to share something this week that I feel we need to be more honest about when it comes to our personal relationship with it, and that is this whole idea around “validation.” Social media is […]
Ep 83: How to Use Virtual Events to Market Your Business, With Naomi Parness

Raj Girn: This week, our focus is branding and marketing, where I’ll be chatting with the multi-award winning journalist and storyteller and co-founder of KPW Communications, Naomi Parness, in an episode entitled How to Use Virtual Events to Market Your Business. Naomi’s extensive 20-year career in media has seen her tenure on CTV in Canada, […]
Media & Communications: There’s a story in you that’s greater than you think!

“The greatest stories are those written in experience.” ~ Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy Hi Friend, Have you ever been told that your lived experience isn’t big enough to impact anyone, or you yourself don’t feel that anyone would benefit from the journey that you have been on? Then this missive is for you! […]
Ep 82: How to Create Your Most Powerful Story for the Win, With Darryll Stinson

Raj Girn: This week’s focus is Media and Communications and I’m pleased to welcome to the show my friend Darryll Stinson, a TEDx speaker, the founder of Second Chance Athletes and a self-professed suicide survivor and mental health advocate. Darryll will be chatting with us today about creating your most powerful story for the win. […]
Ep 81: Money Mindset for the Win in 2022, With Pam Malhotra

Raj Girn: Hey, everyone. Raj, again here. I’m back at it with Season Two of my podcast ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show.’ For those of you who are here for the first time, thank you for stopping in. This is a weekly professional development show where I bring industry experts to discuss important insights, strategies […]