“Consumer lifestyle is the key to opening the door to understanding the motivating factors that encourage their decisions to purchase.” ~Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy

Hi Friend,
I’ve written about marketing on a number of occasions over these past few months here, as well as for Entrepreneur.com as a subject matter expert, and what I find most fascinating about the topic is that many brands don’t know how to fully dial in its purpose, therefore, don’t get the most out of the power of its opportunity to go deep (phase 1) and wide (phase 2) with their campaigns.
My belief – through practice, creating products for my media brand Anokhi Life over the past two decades, where I’ve cultivated partnerships with many multinationals brands (celebrity, media, and corporate) – has taught me that although there is strength in knowing the foundational methodologies to incorporate marketing strategy, the real impact comes from measuring the touchpoints of your campaigns with the consumer.
This requires an arranged marriage between methodical principles and creative innovation, that technology has afforded us the ability to do today, thus allowing us to go deep and go wide at the same time. This has created real opportunity to grow faster than ever before and that too, with a lesser investment to market, so the success formula would look like this:
Principles + Innovation + Data x Technology = Scale
To ensure that the above formula is set up to help your brand win in the consumer acquisition game, you will need a visceral understanding of your consumer’s lifestyle on and offline. Things like: who they identify as, where they work, how they socialize – and more importantly, why. Add to this an understanding of where they feel compromised or inconvenienced (the problem) and speak to that (solution), will ensure that your brand will always win over the competition.
Companies that do not prioritize understanding consumer lifestyle, leave a wide open gap for someone else who does, to beat them at the brand trust and loyalty game. Consumer lifestyle is the key to opening the door to understanding the motivating factors that encourage their decisions to purchase. I cannot emphasize this enough. In fact, I recommend that this be the starting point of you developing a viable marketing strategy, because what you build thereafter, should use this knowledge as its foundation to always fall back on, so that all marketing touchpoints always lead back to this as its True North.
Another point of consideration is to ensure that your marketing strategy has a digital play in addition to a traditional play, which shouldn’t be left out (but I’ll leave that discussion for another article (the marriage between traditional and digital marketing), because your consumer is communicating (professionally or personally) in both places.
One of the most common challenges that my clients come to me with when it comes to marketing, is how to navigate, stand out in, and find their customer online. If you don’t have a digital play, your opportunity to scale is not possible. Why? Because your understanding of your consumer is one-dimensional when it should be multi-dimensional. This will result in incomplete data, which will ensure that your reachability is peripheral and limited, when it should be visceral and expansive. Remember what I stated about marketing at the beginning of this article:
. . . many brands don’t know how to fully dial in its purpose, therefore, don’t get the most out of the power of its opportunity to go deep (phase 1) and wide (phase 2) with their campaigns.
Visceral (go deep) + Expansive (go wide) = Scale
All marketing roads lead back to scale. In order for your business (brand) to be successful, it must scale (grow) on some level, which cannot be done without data, which is most cost effectively acquired through digital marketing.
I can help you put together a strategy that works for you at whatever stage/budget you’re at, as this is something that I have been doing successfully since 2002 regionally, nationally, and internationally, having worked with celebrity and corporate brands for the better part of 20 years.
Contact me here to book a free, no-obligation discovery call:[email protected] and let’s see if we’re the right fit for each other!
This week’s takeaway:
“If you don’t have a digital play, your opportunity to scale is not possible. Why? Because your understanding of your consumer is one-dimensional when it should be multi-dimensional.” ~ Raj Girn
See you next week!