Ep 64: Combating Overwhelm At Work, Because Honestly, Enough Is Enough, With Nina Purewal

Raj Girn: So this week’s theme, being that it’s almost like one of the new month, is Mindset & Clarity where I’m going to be deep diving combating overwhelm at work because honestly, enough is enough. I’m thrilled to bring you a breath of fresh air perspective with this week’s conversation with the fabulous founder […]
Ep 63: Combating Overwhelm At Work, Because Honestly, Enough Is Enough, With Nina Purewal

Raj Girn: Here it is, folks. If you’re one of those people who are looking to go on real tips and insights to move past your current narrative, that is preventing you from cultivating an optimal work-life balance mindset, then this two-part series is for you. Additionally, if you’re looking to operate from your own […]
Ep 62: How To Build A Celebrity Brand, With Mia Martina

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is Leadership and Advocacy, where I’m going to be pulling back the curtain on how to build a celebrity brand. To help me break this down so that you can garner these insights to incorporate into your own brand whatever stage it may be that you’re at on, whatever it […]
Ep 61: How To Build A Celebrity Brand, With Mia Martina

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is Leadership and Advocacy, where I’m going to be pulling back the curtain on how to build a celebrity brand. To help me break this down so that you can garner these insights to incorporate into your own brand whatever stage it may be that you’re at, whatever it is […]
Ep 56: How To Create Wellness Through Using The Right Tools To Change Your Narrative, With Dimple Mukherjee

Raj Girn: My guest today is a long-time friend and colleague, Dimple Mukherjee, who is an occupational therapist, life coach and published author. Here is Part Two of our conversation: Raj Girn: You’ve documented coming to terms with being honest with yourself, something that in strong cultures, it’s not really something that we’re taught how to […]
Ep 55: How To Create Wellness Through Using The Right Tools To Change Your Narrative, With Dimple Mukherjee

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is Mindset and Clarity. And I’ll be tackling the world of wellness today from an angle that I haven’t yet explored, and that’s occupational therapy. My goal is to provide you with a high-level understanding of what occupational therapy is and to provide you with some actionable tips on how […]