“Passion projects are great to support mindset to incentivize the grind, but without automated systems and repeatable, predictable methodology, scaling a business is not possible in today’s world. The perfect storm is when both collide in perfect harmony towards the same end.”
~ Raj Girn, Founder The Open Chest® Confidence Academy
Hi Friends,

Are you a passion project founder, who is struggling to move the dial on your bottom line? Then this week’s missive is for you. Having interviewed and worked with many founders and c-Suite executives over the past 2 decades, I’ve learned that the most successful ones are those who know how to marry passion with infrastructure. In fact, those who haven’t figured this out, always fail to scale.
Passion is great and its purpose is 2-fold:
– To get you through the mucky parts of the build when things take a wrong turn and go horribly wrong, because it’s during these times that you need to lean on your passion to give you the motivation to push you through, long enough to find a workable solution for your challenge.
– To inspire others to believe in what you’re building/offering, in order to become loyal customers and raving fans.
But that’s where the benefit of passion stops, so don’t be deluded that its purpose goes beyond this, because it really doesn’t.
To build and scale a business, you need 3 key elements dialled in, in order to ensure that you have a fighting chance to succeed:
1. Infrastructure to prospect and service clients quickly and efficiently.
2. Systems that provide predictable results in the operational journey.
3. Automation that allows for 24/7 communication between all stakeholders.
I know this sounds boring, for a passion driven founder, but as someone who has built all of my brands from a place of passion at its core, I have sustained and grown them ONLY through dialling in the 3 aforementioned criteria, because without effective, predictable solutions to support acquisition and fulfillment within your client journey, you cannot create loyalty with your target market, and without loyalty, there’s no repeat sales or advocacy beyond your ecosystem (or even within your ecosystem).
Without advocacy (people talking positively about your company, its brand value, and its products/services), you become irrelevant. Irrelevancy is the sledgehammer to a businesses’ success. The whole purpose of being in business and more importantly, to being successful in business, is to stay relevant ALWAYS!
If you’re looking for ways in which to make any of this happen, contact me here: [email protected] and I’ll help you strategize the best way to move forward.
This week’s takeaway:
“Irrelevancy is the sledgehammer to a businesses’ success.”
~ Raj Girn
See you next week!