“The thing about mindset is that it is powerless without action.”
~ Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy

Hi Friend,
This week as we wrap up week one of the month with our regular theme of ‘Mindset & Clarity,’ I’m going to focus on creating some clarity around the many shades of grey around the concept of ‘mindset’, which has become such a pop-cultural idiom of late. I say ‘grey,’ because the value proposition of ‘mindset’ is not a monochromatic concept (black and white); it’s all in the grey matter (couldn’t resist the pun).
Every time we open our social media pages, we are bombarded with mindset hacks from all kinds of people, yet why is it that this spotlight on our mind isn’t reducing the mental health crisis that continues to rise in epic proportions? It’s because:
Knowledge is not enough to transform.
Sit with this for a moment.
Now let me explain . . .
We need hard action and a destination that is steeped in intention and purpose in order to be motivated enough to take the trek through the labyrinths of our mind, with the intention to create clarity around the ‘why’ of the shift that will move us from where we don’t want to be, to where we desperately know we need and want to be.
If this all sounds too woo woo to you, then let me un-woo woo it for you, because if you don’t get the mindset clarity piece right, it can be a VERY costly acquisition in time and money, where you spin your heels in continuous circles that have you right back where you started, completely depleting your motivation to try again.
If this is you and you’re looking for a permanent de-fogger, then I want you to know that I’ve got the solution for you. Read on . . .
Let me let you into a secret . . .
I have just finished putting the final touches on a new series of 5 courses that speak to an intentional journey towards real growth and elevation.
I’m THRILLED to announce the launch of the ‘Transformation 31 – A Guided Mastermind Series’, where I am pledging to assist 25 people in mastering their authority in 31 days.
Yes, you read it right!
This series has not yet been publicly announced, as I wanted to notify my newsletter community first, before rolling it out to the masses.
Here’s what you need to know . . .
In phase one launch (October – December, inclusive), each one of these courses will be delivered by me personally working with people one-on-one live.
This is a very limited time engagement, where I’ll be personally coaching, mentoring, and guiding your journey, because I want to ensure that the transformation you receive is truly life-changing as which is what the courses are designed to accomplish before I offer them up as pre-recorded training. This will be the only time that the courses will be served up with this level of customization because once they are placed into the recorded training model, they will be strict to a specific mandate, which is “guided by me” live version that I’m offering throughout October, November, and December, will be adjusted slightly to accommodate each person who commits to the phase one roll out.
The courses are created around 5 specific areas that take people on a journey to master their personal brand, where it needs the most help, which maybe one, more, or all of the following . . .
- Master Your Mindset: Know Your Why!
- Master Your Brand: Know Your Worth!
- Master Your Authority Pt. 1: Cultivate Your Communication Skills!
- Master Your Authority Pt. 2: Define Your Go-To Market Strategy!
- Master Your Leadership: Create Global Advocacy!
So to be clear, if you purchase the course this quarter, you’ll be getting to work with me live one-on-one (and not in a group setting), and once we hit January 2022, you will only be able to access these courses as pre-recorded trainings with the live, weekly question asking sessions being in a group environment for 4 weeks (where minimal customization will be possible by default of the setting).
So, if this is something that resonates with you, don’t delay. Take advantage of having me as your exclusive coach (available until the end of 2021).
CLICK HERE to reserve one of the 25 spots and to find out more about the curriculum (per course) that I’ll be taking you through, how I will be delivering it, and what you will be responsible for in order to maximize on the transformation to mastery (no matter what level you’re currently at).
Now, in case you’re wondering why there are only 25 spots available this quarter, that’s because as previously stated, I’ll be delivering them one-on-one live, so with all of my other client commitments, this is the absolute maximum I am able to take on, without compromising anyone. So if a high touch, one-on-one process is what you prefer, I highly recommend that you sign up now, to avoid disappointment. Again, so that we are completely clear . .
I will only be taking on 5 people per course (that’s 25 people in total) this quarter, after which the course will be pre-recorded on a membership site.
Remember – mindset needs a purpose and an action to complete it. If this is your challenge, then the below course, titled – Master You Mindset: Know Your Why! – is for you! Here’s the full breakdown of the curriculum:
Phase 1 – Empowering The Past:
- Define ‘mindset.’
- Identifying the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward.
- Making peace with things that don’t serve you, so that you can minimize/eliminate their participation in your present and future decisions.
Phase 2 – Stepping Into Your Present:
- Creating a disciplined mindset, so that there are only positive visits to the past and future.
- Grounding you in the present.
- Identifying the assets within your current avatar that can serve to propel you into a positive, intentional future.
Phase 3 – Identifying Who You Are Meant To Be:
Phase 4 – Cultivating Your Best Future:
A reminder that the other 4 courses focus on branding, communications, marketing, and leadership. To reserve any of the courses and for the full curriculum, CLICK HERE.
Now before I close off for this week, I want to share why these courses are all 4 phases, journeying you from beginner to mastery level, so that you can understand the science behind my thought process here.
I’m a firm believer that real coaches, consultants, and mentors are those who have mastered the journey of transformation by having experienced it (and not just having taught it from text books). As such, they are able to deliver it in the smallest amount of steps, with the biggest impact. So if you’re used to the hundreds of trainings, dozens of workbooks, and long periods of time to get through them, then my method will be a breath of fresh air for you, because that’s not what will happen here! My method is simple . . .
4 phases each working through 3 steps guided by me – that’s it! The minimum commitment of time, with maximum results.
I guide my clients through a proprietary system that includes coaching, consulting, and mentoring one-on-one. This high touch, customized environment, is best suited for focusing on you and your needs exclusively.
I have garnered my stripes through a combination of lived, learned, and earned experience, where I have created and cultivated 3 brands to respectable authority – professional development brand: The Open Chest Confidence Academy (est. 2020); personal brand: Raj Girn (est. 2011); cultural brand: Anokhi Life (est. 2002). My tenure-ship includes working with Fortune 500 companies, media houses, global thought leaders, celebrities, and influencers/creators on their branding, media, and marketing campaigns.
>>> I have worked with over 5,000 brands over 20 years in the media and communications space, so you’re in good hands with me <<<
I hope to have the opportunity to work with you when you’re ready!
Before, I go – here is an announcement I’d like to make:
I’m pleased to share that on Thursday October 7th, ANOKHI was honoured with the Corporate Vision: Future Of Better Business “Media Innovators Award” in the following category:
Media Blog of the Year 2021 – North America

I’m super thankful and honoured for this second acknowledgement this year (the first was a Stevie Award, U.S.A.), this time from the U.K. – 19 years since I launched my first niche brand (ANOKHI) and counting!
A big thank you to my team, my community, our advertisers, partners, and affiliates for their long standing support of a brand that has stood the test of time because of you!
Until next week, take care of yourself and your loved ones!