“Knowledge = Power. Action = Empowerment. Knowledge + Power = Holistic Leadership.” ~ Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy

Hi Friend,
There’s something so palpable about “holistic leadership” that I want to talk about today, because gone are the days when leadership was a top-down reality.
Today, the bottom dictates what happens at the top. That is, the workforce (without whom nothing can get done if they aren’t being valued), get to have a say in how they will be governed, because demanding a voice (which is what unions were put into place to accomplish), they are demanding a real show of solidarity for their needs, in order to optimize their output for the company that they work for (employees) or work with (subcontractors).
This is a huge opportunity for C-suite to optimize efficiency, because without communal buy-in, optimal productivity is rarely accomplished nowadays. The ages old structure of the Industrial Revolution has fast become a thing of the past, because today, the workforce don’t want to be spoken to. They want to be spoken with. (Millennials and Zoomers who make up 70% of the workforce in North America)
A point in case: “Collaboration” is the biggest buzzword and economy booster of this decade.
Managing this expectation is the responsibility of the C-suite class and a real opportunity to create optimal efficiency and productivity when you consider the realities of the exponential growth of the gig economy and normalizing of the hybrid (office & home) work environment.
The big question now is, “how?”
Having worked in a multitude of industries over the past 30 years that range from hospitality, to health, to media & events, to coaching & consulting, I’ve learned that the only way to get and sustain buy-in from all levels of teammates, is to implement a 2-way channel of communication and expectation between the employer and the employee (all types of).
Both need to . . .
- Provide and receive knowledge
- Provide and receive action
I call this “holistic leadership.” It’s how I run my organization today (after doing it the other way for so long), where all stakeholders have a seat at the table and where everyone’s expectations are managed and met.
We’ve all heard that “knowledge is power” and it is, because without it, we are exposed to making found less decisions that lead (pun intended) more to failure than to success. But, and this is a big BUT . . .
Without actioning that knowledge, you are not empowering the decision that has come forth from the knowledge. This is ALWAYS where employers (implementing) and employees (demanding) slip up. For holistic leadership to work, it requires the buy-in of all parties and when it gets it, advocacy is the default bi-product.
“Advocacy” is what all organizations need to accomplish, because it’s the Holy Grail of community building, which creates loyalty, trust, and money.
Something to sit with!
I know there’s a big mindset shift to be accomplished here, especially for those of us who are not trained to look at opportunities that reside outside of conventional wisdom. So my advice to you if that’s you, is to take a leap of faith and open your mind to look beyond your conditioning, and expand your horizons – my team and I can help you do that to meet you where you are and to assist in taking you to where you need to go!
>>> We have worked with over 5,000 brands over a span of 20 years in the branding, communications, media, and marketing space, so you’re in great hands when you’re ready to leap forward with your professional and/or personal goals <<<
At THE OPEN CHEST CONFIDENCE ACADEMY, we focus on 4 ways to accomplish this:
– Coaching, Consulting, and Mentoring: To work with me directly, one-on-one virtually, towards specific goals and objectives.
– Team Retainers: To work with me and my team virtually (especially suited to solopreneurs or small businesses, as we act as your team to support you where its most needed until you’re able to hire an in-house team).
– Guided Mastermind Course: To work independently through study modules, workbooks, a help desk, and a one-on-one consulting session (with me) upon graduation, to set your course to your intention.
– Media Services: To work with my extended team to create your brand, communications, media, and marketing assets to build your authority roadmap (branding assets, podcast production, digital course production, media training & placements, speaking engagements, and much more).
My team and I hope to have the opportunity to work with you when you’re ready! And if that’s now, book a FREE discovery call HERE so we can figure out the best course of action for you in the short (1-3 months), medium (1-6 months), and long term (up to 12 months).
If you just have a question or two, feel free to email us at [email protected].
Oh, and don’t forget to access 2 free podcast trainings at The Transform Your Confidence Show HERE and HERE.
And finally, I’d like to sincerely thank you so much for hanging out with me here. I sincerely hope I bring some value into your world and if I do, show me some love by following me @RajGirn on my socials at LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Clubhouse, TikTok, and YouTube.
Until next week, take care of yourself and your loved ones!